Pr​eserving Our History

Building Community

Who we are

Fountain City Forward is a nonprofit organization in ​Fountain City, Indiana, committed to maximizing ​opportunities for historical preservation, revitalization and ​beautification, technological and safety enhancement.

Fountain City Forward seeks to obtain Indiana Main Street ​Designation.

Indiana Main Street encourages community-driven ​revitalization of downtown areas in Indiana cities and towns.

Main Street-style transformation is a combination of art and ​science: communities first need to learn about the local ​economy, its primary drivers, and its regional context (the ​science), but they also need to convey that special sense of ​place through storytelling, preserving the older and historic ​structures that set it apart, broad and inclusive civic ​engagement, and marketing (the art).


welcome Home

What We Hope to Do

Historical Preservation

Reinforce and support ongoing efforts to protect our town’s ​historical significance.

Revitalization and Beautification

Restoring a sense of pride for our community, by working together ​to revitalize and beautify Fountain City.

Technological Advancement

Strive toward technological advancement accessible to everyone.

Safety Enhancement

Protect and serve our community with both existing law ​enforcement and additional resources to ensure the safety of our ​citizens.


History of Fountain City

New Garden Township was platted in 1808/1809, and settlers came from Guilford County, North Carolina. Two of the early land purchases were ​for John Turner and Jonathan Marine in 1808. Many of these settlers were from a church called New Garden Monthly Meeting, from which the ​township was named. Many of these Quakers (or Friends) were part of what was called the “Great Quaker Migration” from southern slave states to ​northern free states. In November of 1811, at the request of these families settling in northeastern Wayne County, the Whitewater Monthly Meeting ​granted permission for an indulged (allowed) meeting. On January 2nd, 1812, they began holding services in homes. The community of New ​Garden was centered around the first log structure that was built in 1813. A framed building was built in 1818, and the current brick structure was ​built in 1858. The New Garden Monthly Meeting was active from 1813 until 2008. A small settlement called New Liberty was located just northwest ​of where the Historic Meeting House at New Garden stands on New Garden Road.

Quakers George Shugart, Jonathan Hough, Dr. Henry Way, Francis Thomas, and Jonathan Marine purchased land in the township in 1811. In ​September of 1818, the 40 acres owned by George Shugart were used to establish the town’s current location, which was laid out by Solomon ​Thomas and Redden Chance. The first log house in the newly established town was built by Edmund Kent. Many of the New Garden and New ​Liberty communities began moving to what became Newport due to the abundance of springs in the area. In 1824, the first post office was ​established in the community. An addition to the town was made in 1830 by Harvey Davis (Davis Street) and another by William Hough in 1832. The ​town was officially incorporated in 1834. In 1844, Robert Green made another addition to the town (Green Street).

Due to issues with the mail, Newport was requested to find a new town name. Letters had to be addressed to “Newport, Wayne County, Indiana,” ​as mail was constantly being misdelivered to another town in Vermillion County by the same name. Optional town names that were considered ​included Fountain Town (but one already existed in Hancock County) and Fountain City. In 1878, all residents of Newport (men, women, and ​children) were recorded as legal voters for the final naming decision. Due to the number of natural springs that drew settlers to the town’s current ​location, Fountain City was chosen. Many homes on the east side of US Highway 27 had or still have spring houses. The well in the basement of ​the Levi and Catharine Coffin Historic Site still runs to this day.

Community Links


Trash is collected every Tuesday.

Contact the Town of Fountain City

to setup service. Pay bills at the city ​building or online.


All Around


Get Involved

Monthly meetings are held on the first Thursday

of every month at 6:30 p.m.

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Thursday, Ju​ly 11

Mo​nthly Meeting

6:30 PM

Whosoever Ministries

207 N. Green Street

Fountain City




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Thursday, Au​gust 1

Mo​nthly Meeting

6:30 PM

Whosoever Ministries

207 N. Green Street

Fountain City




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Thursday, Se​ptember 5

Mo​nthly Meeting

6:30 PM

Whosoever Ministries

207 N. Green Street

Fountain City




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Thursday, Oc​tober 3

Mo​nthly Meeting

6:30 PM

Whosoever Ministries

207 N. Green Street

Fountain City




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Thursday, No​vember 7

Mo​nthly Meeting

6:30 PM

Whosoever Ministries

207 N. Green Street

Fountain City




Ticket, tear-off coupons, voucher, vector

Thursday, De​cember 5

Mo​nthly Meeting

6:30 PM

Whosoever Ministries

207 N. Green Street

Fountain City





Board of Directors

Rett Foster

Angie Smith

Keith Webster

Terry Wiesehan

Kristy Anderson


Robert Williams

Vice President

Elizabeth Williams


Anthony Johnson


Business meeting

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